CLI Command Reference

Hexabot CLI is a powerful command-line tool to help manage your Hexabot chatbot instance. With it, you can create new projects, initialize environments, start services in various modes, run database migrations, and more. The CLI aims to make managing your chatbot seamless and intuitive.

Not yet familiar with Hexabot? It's a open-source chatbot / agent solution that allows users to create and manage AI-powered, multi-channel, and multilingual chatbots with ease. If you would like to learn more, please visit the official github repo.

Getting Started


  • Node.js >= 18.17.0

  • npm (Node Package Manager)

  • Docker installed


Install Hexabot CLI globally to have easy access to its commands:

npm install -g hexabot-cli


Once installed, you can use the hexabot command in your terminal. Here are some of the available commands:


create <projectName>

Create a new Hexabot project.

hexabot create my-chatbot


  • --template <template>: Specify a GitHub repository in the format GITHUB_USERNAME/GITHUB_REPO to use a custom template.


hexabot create my-chatbot --template myusername/my-template-repo


Initialize the environment by copying .env.example to .env.

hexabot init


Start specified services in development mode with Docker Compose.

hexabot dev --services nlu,ollama


  • --services <services>: Comma-separated list of services to enable.


Start specified services with Docker Compose.

hexabot start --services api,nlu


  • --services <services>: Comma-separated list of services to enable.

migrate [args...]

Run database migrations.

hexabot migrate

You can also pass additional arguments to the migration command.


Start specified services in production mode with Docker Compose.

hexabot start-prod --services api,nlu


  • --services <services>: Comma-separated list of services to enable.


Stop specified Docker Compose services.

hexabot stop --services api,nlu


  • --services <services>: Comma-separated list of services to stop.


Destroy specified Docker Compose services and remove volumes.

hexabot destroy --services api,nlu


  • --services <services>: Comma-separated list of services to destroy.

Example Workflow

  1. Create a new project:

    hexabot create my-chatbot

    This will create a new folder my-chatbot with all necessary files to get started.

  2. Navigate to your project folder:

    cd my-chatbot
  3. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  4. Initialize environment:

    hexabot init

    This command copies the .env.example file to .env, which you can edit to customize your configuration.

  5. Run in development mode:

    hexabot dev --services nlu,ollama

    This starts the required services in development mode.

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