Manage roles

Roles in Hexabot define specific sets of permissions that determine what actions users can perform. By creating and assigning roles, you can control who has access to different parts of the system and what they are able to perform.

1. Access Role Management:

  • Log in to your Hexabot account.

  • Go to "Users" or "User Management" section.

  • Look for "Roles" or "Role Management" within the user management settings.

2. Creating New Roles:

  • Click "+ Add " This will open a form where you can define the new role.

  • Enter Role Name: Provide a clear and descriptive name for the role, like "Developer," "Content Manager," "Project Manager," etc.

Step 3 - Grant Permissions

Newly created roles will initially have no granted permissions. Click the "Permissions" button to grant access to your new role or update the permissions for an existing role.

  • Grant Permissions: The role management interface will typically provide a list of available permissions. Select the specific permissions you want to grant to users with this role (e.g., read, create, update, delete):

    • Message: Access to build and edit conversation flows.

    • NlpSample, NlpSampleEntity, NlpEntity, NlpValue: Access to train and manage the chatbot's language understanding.

    • Content: Access to manage chatbot content.

    • BotStats: Access to view and analyze chatbot performance metrics.

    • User : Access to manage users

    • Role : Access to manage roles

    • ...

    And other Permissions: The specific permissions available may vary depending on the version of Hexabot.

4. Deleting Roles:

  • Locate the Role: Find the role you want to delete.

  • Click "Delete": Be careful when deleting roles, as this will remove all permissions associated with the role. Users assigned to that role will lose their access to the specified features.

Last updated