Media Library

Hexabot's Media Library serves as a centralized repository for all the media files (images, documents, audio, video, etc.) that you use within your chatbot. It helps you organize, store, and easily access these files when building your chatbot's conversation flows and content.

1. Accessing the Media Library:

  • Log in to your Hexabot account.

  • Find the "Media Library" within the CMS section.

2. Managing Existing Files:

  • Previewing Files: You can preview images and some other file types directly within the Media Library.

  • Deleting Files: Use the "Delete" or "Remove" option to remove unwanted files from the Media Library. Be cautious when deleting files, as this action is typically permanent.

5. Using Media in Chatbot Content:

  • Referencing Files: Once a file is uploaded to the Media Library, you'll get an identifier that you can use to reference the file in your chatbot flow. The Attachment block, allow you to select files directly from your Media Library.

Tips for Media Management:

  • Optimize File Sizes: Compress your images and other media files before uploading them to reduce load times and improve chatbot performance.

  • Regular Cleanup: Periodically review your Media Library and delete any unused or outdated files to keep it organized.

Last updated